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Frequently Asked Questions

Are all applicants required to complete an eligibility form? What if I just want to have an idea meeting?

All potential applicants and those requesting an idea meeting must submit the eligibility form, which is the first step of the application process. Having an idea meeting with staff does not commit you to submitting a final grant application. 

How soon after submitting the eligibility form will the full application be made available to me? 

After you submit the eligibility form on CHE's grant portal, staff will review within 24 hours and provide notice of whether the full application has been made available to you.

Can I apply jointly with another organization or agency?

While CHE welcomes such collaborations, one agency or organization must be designated as the lead agency. This agency or organization will serve as the fiscal agent and must be able to commit to a contract for the proposed project.

Does CHE fund operating costs?


Can my agency submit more than one application?

Yes. Any agency or organization may submit more than one application in a funding cycle. 

CHE looks favorably on applications that leverage other human and financial resources. Why?

We encourage applications that include either cash or human resources commitments from other sources. CHE recognizes that not every project will be able to leverage other funds or resources and therefore only requires a financial match for capital construction, renovation, or equipment purchase grants. However, we encourage applicants to consider all avenues, including nontraditional sources, for creating programmatic, policy, and financial partnerships.

Will CHE fund an application for facility improvement, capital  construction, or the purchase of equipment?

Yes. CHE will fund facility improvement (new construction or renovation) and equipment purchases. CHE considers any long-lasting physical asset as equipment. Examples of equipment include medical devices, fitness equipment, and educational models/materials. Applicants must articulate that facility improvements or equipment purchases are an important element of providing better services or improving the health of the community.

Is there a required match for CHE funding?

A dollar-for-dollar match is required for projects related to capital construction, facility renovation, and equipment purchase. The match may be cash or donated goods or services contributed by a third party. General operating funds or in-kind contributions by the applicant are not eligible. Donated goods and services received prior to the grant period may be counted toward the match if the goods and services are fully dedicated to the project funded by CHE.

Will CHE ever amend, cancel, or suspend a grant award?

The CHE Board of Trustees may amend, cancel, or suspend any grant if there are substantive changes in the original proposal or scope of the project after a grant contract is awarded, minimal or no progress is made toward achieving proposed project goals, significant leadership vacancies occur, or there is a breach of the contract agreement with CHE.

Will I be able to ask the CHE staff questions as I prepare my application?

Absolutely! We strongly encourage you to ask questions as you prepare your application. Our telephone number is 402-436-5516. Note: CHE staff cannot tell you whether your project will be funded.

Once we have submitted our application, will CHE contact us if they have questions?

Yes. CHE staff may contact you to ask questions or clarify information. Do not assume that you will be funded if we contact you. Conversely, if your agency or organization is not contacted for questioning, do not assume that you will not be funded.

Frequently Asked Budget Questions

The CHE budget form includes a line item for "indirect costs." What expenditures are considered indirect costs?

Indirect costs are costs associated with administrative overhead including fiscal/accounting services, rent/utilities, and other general, operational support that cannot be easily assigned to a specific project. Requests for indirect costs are limited to 15% of the total amount requested.

Do you want to see the total project cost or just the funding we are requesting from CHE?

The application and budget forms provide places for you to show the total project cost and the funding you are requesting from CHE. Please include both.

Should we count in-kind contributions in the total project cost?

Yes. Include equipment, supplies, staffing, rent, volunteers or other non-monetary support that is a direct benefit to the project. In-kind contributions can be provided by the applicant or project partners. In-kind contributions are costs that are necessary for the project to happen.

How do we show in-kind contributions?

The Support/Revenue Budget Form includes a section for in-kind contributions. If resources – in-kind or otherwise – are being provided by project partners, include a letter of commitment from the partner organization(s).

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